Central - Main Center

The Directors at Answers, for Life in their Library photo by JourneysPhotoStories.com Baby Clothes at the resource center at Answers for life in Tucson AZ.  Medical Staff at Answers for Life Tucson

Welcome To Answers For Life Central Center

When women are pregnant and unsure what to decide we are here to help them find Answers. They will experience loving, nonjudgmental counseling as they are empowered to move forward in making difficult life decisions.  We are a faith-based center that believes the benefits of a Christian viewpoint can add important value in making life decisions.  Helping women navigate through their choices and pregnancies and parenting is our passion.  We offer a free medical clinic and provide free pregnancy testing ultrasounds, options counseling, doctor consultations, and material assistance.  


"I love coming to this place!! The staff are amazing. They are very helpful. You can watch parenting videos to earn “baby money” to buy items that they have in stock. The clothes are in gentle to brand new condition. My family and I have been truly blessed by Answers For Life" ~ Anissa

NW Tucson -

The Volunteers and Staff at Answers for life Central. Two women talking in the waiting room at Answers for Life NW.

Welcome to Answers for Life's Northwest Center

We're excited to be part of this awesome community and wanted to share what's happening at our place. Here at the Northwest Center, we offer pregnant moms free services including pregnancy testing, options counseling, ultrasounds, referrals to other services in town, and material assistance. At Answers for Life North West we want to make sure these women feel comfortable, welcome, and taken care of.  We also have a material assistance program for our families! Our clients are able to come once a month for these materials. 

And hey, we've heard some great things from others:

🌸 "I had a wonderful experience [at Answers for Life’s Northwest]. They made me feel safe and comfortable."

🌼 "I had a really positive experience. I felt very comfortable and was treated with warm respect and caring interest."

Come visit us at Answers for Life's Northwest Center!

South Tucson -

The volunteers and staff at Tucson South

 Welcome to Answers for Life South

At Answers for life we are here to help women that are in crisis situation navigate life's big decisions. In 2022 we opened our doors serving the Southside of Tucson. This center is on the premises of Drexel Heights Baptist Church. We're offering free services to support you every step of the way. From accurate Pregnancy Tests and Ultrasounds to practical Material Assistance, we're here to empower women with knowledge and hands-on help. Our Options Counseling provides personalized support for exploring choices, and our Mommy and Me Playgroups are all about building connections. Ensuring health is our priority at the Prenatal Clinic, and if a women needs someone to talk to post-abortion, we've got compassionate guidance.